Starbox PRO: Your Author Will Shine Like Stars.

Now this is a product that Squirrly Company has been using on all the WP sites we’ve ever made. Even our RankJumps team installs this on client sites.

In 2022, the One Time Fee plans for Starbox PRO can no longer be purchased, and we are dropping the WooCommerce store altogether.

Please find our new yearly payment prices here.

Customers who own Lifetime accounts, can still continue using and getting updates. If you already have an account, go here.

Everyone who buys through our FastSpring store (through Squirly Company’s Store for Entrepreneurs) will get their downloads here.

Also, here is the blog we’ve been using over these past few years for Starbox PRO and the Starbox audiences.

See what Squirrly has been up to all these years here.